Monday, June 16, 2014

Harvester Review

Get it from Steam
Harvester is the epitome of what a good, horror point and click game should be.

The puzzles in this game while difficult, are fairly creative and enjoyable. Some of the tools you need are hard to find, and it can get a bit frustrating at times; However, the game does have tips, and once you figure out the solution it really feels like you've accomplished something. The gameplay is standard for the point and click genre, but there is some combat thrown in. HERE'S where the game gets a little nasty.

The combat is terrible. It feels clunky, unresponsive and boring. This would be forgivable if it were sparse, but during the last third of the game it's almost the only thing you do. In fact, the entire last third of the game is probably the weakest part, simply because of all the combat and that the area you have to trudge through is feels very disjointed.

The atmosphere is fantastic. I really felt alone while I explored the town, and the fact that there is no clear goal from the start made me feel all the more involved. I was really interested by the town of Harvest, and I really wanted to learn more. In fact, the story is a big part of why I kept playing. Along with the fun puzzles and creepy environments, the story really pulled me in. I was interested in the world of Harvest, and I wanted to see the mystery unfold.

Character interaction makes up most of the first third of the game, and its done very well. All of the characters are unique and memorable in some way, from the meat obsessed father of your bride-to-be, to the school teacher who punishes disobedient children with a baseball bat. Some characters will die, some characters will evolve into something much more sinister.

Though the graphics are dated, the world feels like a lot of detail was put into it, and I couldn't help but feel creeped out every time I stepped into the mortuary. The soundtrack contributes to this feeling, with tracks ranging from a relaxed radio tune to a tense nighttime heist.

Throughout the story, you are forced into more and more uncomfortable situations; Maybe you start by scratching a car, but soon enough you'll be burning down a diner. After every task you complete, you are able to talk to the townsfolk and witness their reactions to what's happening around them. I felt immersed in the world and interested in what everybody had to say.

"Though the graphics are dated, the world feels like a lot 

of detail was put into it"

The cheesiness does show through sometimes, though; But when it did, I couldn't help but laugh. This game mixes humor and horror perfectly, allowing for some scenarios that other games don't.
For instance: There is an armed gaurd (who happens to be missing both of his legs) you talk to at a few points during the game, and you soon find out that he controls a group of nuclear missiles that could cause a holocaust. If you continue to talk to him, he will accuse you of being a communist. If you do not persuade him that you are not, in fact, a "pink-blooded commie", then he will shoot you in the forehead and then accidentally set off all of the missiles (with gore out the wazoo, of course).
Its scenes like these that help to keep the atmosphere campy and fun despite the serious undertone of the game, and I feel that it makes it one of the most memorable point and click games that I have ever played.

Average game time will differ depending on the person. Some people will skip most of the dialogue and rush through the game, while others (such as myself) prefer to "smell the roses", so to speak. I personally recommend playing it at a moderate pace, because if you go through it too fast you might miss some of the great scenes and fantastic writing. It took me about nine hours to play through the game at a fairly slow pace, talking to all the characters and examinating all of the objects. It is possible to beat this game in around five hours, but that's if you're really rushing.

All in all, this is one of my favorite point and click games of all time, despite the lazily implemented combat and bugs. So if you can stomach the gore and enjoy some campy horror every once in a while, than I would highly recommend this game. I can guaruntee that if you enter with the right expectations and an open mind, you won't be disappointed.


 ~Rowan L. (guest blogger)

1 comment:

  1. Really informative review, thanks! I'm intrigued that this game combines both humor and gore, which I never would have considered together before. Generally, i avoid anything gory, so most likely wouldn't play, but if I were an avid gamer, I would definitely check this game out simply because your obvious passion for, and excellent insights into it have inspired me.
